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Why Stomach Acid is Good For Me

A large population of Americans are nutritionally in debt due to malabsorption related to low stomach acid. This is due to the Acid-suppressing drug industry making more than seven-billion dollars per year in the US. (Remember the Pepto Bismol commercials during the Superbowl?) Most doctors think people with GI tract issues have too much stomach acid, when most of their patients are actually hypochlorhydric. So most people take their prescriptive drugs that temporarily mask the root problem. Unfortunately, acid suppressants cause serious side effects that often worsen people’s heartburn and acid indigestion, leading to ulcers, depression, cancer and even death.

When I was pregnant, I took Tums for Calcium and heartburn (advised by my midwife). I never new the cause was my baby compressing my upper GI tract. I didn’t realize that the daily footlong Subway sandwiches weren’t actually very healthy for me or my baby.

Overeating and combining refined carbohydrates with dense proteins slows digestion, and causes gases to expand in our stomach, putting excess pressure on and weakening the lower esophageal valve. Any amount of stomach acid that goes back up the esophagus is painful. The main reason the lower esophogal valve doesn’t properly close is because of insufficient stomach acid, not too much of it!

Stomach acid kills dangerous microorganisms before they can enter the rest of our body. It helps dissolve the food that is so improperly chewed. Unfortunately the production of HCL declines with age.

Fortunately, there are natural, inexpensive ways to restore healthy GI tract function, such as Taking a tablespoon of raw Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water 30 minutes before a meal.

One of the most amazing books I have read “Why Stomach Acid is Good for You” written by Jonathan V. Wright and Lane Lenar, Ph.D. This book is really eye opening. It seems like so many of the issues seen with nutritional deficiencies start in the stomach. Skin problems, allergies, asthma, arthritis, osteoperosis. I will personally never take another acid suppressant again. I enjoyed the simple text and illustrations. After learning how to properly dose myself, I am now taking Hydrochloric Acid to aid in my digestion. After I train myself to get back into my parasympathetic process, and chew my food adequately, I won’t need this aid anymore. I highly suggest you check this book out.