Never Stop Growing

Health Is Your Greatest Possession – Enlighten Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Spring Cleaning



Spring is an excellent time for cleansing the body, mind, heart, and soul.

For the Body:
Start by cleaning out your pantry and eliminate processed foods.  Visit the local farmers market or start greens in your own garden for some fresh super nutrients.
Consider fasting or a try a colonic cleanse to help clear your digestive tract.
Light exercises such as walking and yoga are helpful at moving the process along.

For the Mind:
Mindful practices such as meditation, hypnosis, and journaling are extremely effective methods of stress relief.  Letting go of toxic relationships, negative people, and other energy consuming stressors allow us to focus on bettering our Selves.  Prioritizing commitments in our lives will help us focus on what really matters.

For the Heart:
Forgiveness will set you free.  Be kind to Your Self and forgive your mistakes by letting go of the past and making positive changes NOW.
Realize that those who have broken your heart and damaged your trust are likely hurting worse than you.  So many are suffering from mental conditions, and everyone is fighting their own battle.  Only hurt people hurt people.  Instead of holding onto negative energy and anger, simply wish them peace and happiness, and lovingly set them free to go their own way.
Practice random and loving acts of kindness with others.  Be generous, and your heart will mend and grow in time and you will be stronger from the experience.

For the Soul:
Take the time to be ALONE and find Your Self.
Simplify your surroundings.  Clear the clutter.  If you don’t use it, lose it.  Let go of that which no longer serves you. Donate to a charity.  Make good use of your stuff instead of letting it drain you.
Change your environment.  Paint a room a bright color. Reorganize furniture.  Change is life.  Stagnancy is death.
Explore nature.  Breathe in all the beauty around you.  Exhale everything else.  Life is abundant.

Take the time to reflect on your life up to now.  Create new goals.  Be the best you can be in every way.  Namaste!


2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning

  1. Your post was just what I needed today!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

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