Never Stop Growing

Health Is Your Greatest Possession – Enlighten Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Stoke Your Metabolic Fire

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When it’s cold outside, it is natural for metabolism to decrease, while body fat increases.  Here are some ways to beat excessive weight gain, and turn up your internal thermostat.

Foods to Consume:

  • Almonds contain fatty acids that raise your metabolism.  Properly prepare by soaking and limit to 1 serving.
  • Apples and Pears contain a lot of fiber to help you burn more calories. 1-2 fruits per day is sufficient.
  • Broccoli contains Calcium and Vitamin C, a metabolism-rising duo.  Eat liberally.
  • Cinnamon helps your body better metabolize sugar.  Add it to your beverages.
  • Curry and Cayenne Pepper are spicy, so your body will work hard to metabolize it.
  • Grapefruit lowers insulin and burns calories by breaking down the fiber.
  • Green Tea speeds up your brain and nervous system, burning more calories.
  • Hot Peppers and Jalapenos will speed up your heart rate and metabolism for hours.
  • Lean Turkey contains a lot of protein, building muscle and helps burn calories since your body is working harder to process it.
  • Spinach speeds up your metabolism, and is high in Vitamin C, antioxidants and iron.
  • Water increases your body’s metabolic rate by 30 percent (by drinking 17 ounces).

How to Eat:

  • Avoid refined foods of any type.  Whole, un-cooked fresh foods allow your body to do the work and break down the nutrients naturally.
  • Eat smaller portions. Each time your digestive system starts to work, you burn calories.
  • Add lean protein to every meal (3 oz) or snack (1 oz). The protein builds muscle, tells your brain to stop eating, and increases your metabolism since your body is working harder to digest it.
  • Work out. Try strength training a few times a week… it boosts your metabolism.  Walking briskly for 1 hour will kick your body into fat burning      mood for hours.

Start Every Day with A Cleansing, Immune-Strengthening Metabolic Booster:

“CyC’s Rise and Shine Elixir”

Mix ingredients together the night before, and have by bedside.  Stir and consume upon waking.

  • Tall glass of room temperature water
  • Green Tea Bag
  • 1 TBSP RAW Honey
  • 1 TBSP Cinnamon or Cinnamon Stick
  • ½ fresh squeezed Lemon
  • ¼ tsp Cayenne Pepper (increase to ½ tsp over time)
  • ¼ tsp ground Ginger (increase to desired taste

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